Riverdaughter confluence. S. Riverdaughter confluence

SRiverdaughter confluence  It’s a long episode worth listening to

William on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… Beata on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… campskunk on What I learned from listening… riverdaughter on What I learned from listening…So, the right wing Republican noise machine wants unity and kumbaya and, apparently, only Biden and the Democrats can provide that. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There. Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on The Culmination of the Madness…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on The Truth is Out There. My earliest memories of Lightfoot were trying to remember every word of every verse of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. At Daily Kos, Clinton’s supporters felt not only outnumbered but patronized as objects of sexist condescension, pummeled like tackling dummies. Trump has spent an entire life finding ways to avoid being punished for the worst series of non-homicide crimes ever committed in this country, and this is very unlikely to change. …: thewizardofroz on Steve Garvey Running for U. I read an article from “Mother Jones” which appeared to be. Tips gratefully accepted here. com? • Riverdaughter. Subscribe to The Confluence in an RSS reader. William on How to beat Trump. Posted on June 3, 2023 by wlp22. Loser gets escorted to the door, never to return again. riverdaughter on Walk to work music: Scorc… campskunk on Walk to work music: Scorc… Propertius on How George Conway shows that t… Propertius on Happy July 4…1882? William on Happy July 4…1882? William on Happy July 4…1882? Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Happy July 4…1882? campskunk on Happy July 4…1882?riverdaughter, on December 16, 2022 at 6:41 pm said:. " Today there was an effective refutation of "The Big Lie," the claim that the 2020…Here’s another tragic story about a 39 year old guy who died from Covid because he didn’t get the vaccine. Welcome new readers of The Confluence. The most recognizable representatives are the Duggars but the Institute of Basic Life Principles that they were affiliated with is just a new manifestation of the older. Thanks!: Recent Comments. It could… lililam on E. ( I don't know how it is in the rest of the world, but I would guess fairly…The Confluence. I’m saying…Biden is coming to Pittsburgh today to give a speech on infrastructure and guess what happened at about 8am this morning: This is about 5 miles from my house on a major road bordering a beautiful a…1 post published by wlp22 on March 1, 20211 post published by riverdaughter on April 28, 2021This is "Super Bowl weekend. riverdaughter, on July 18, 2022 at 7:55 am said: Me and my arrow. Thanks!:2 posts published by riverdaughter and wlp22 on May 31, 2023Tips gratefully accepted here. I’m beginning to believe all of you are right, even in NV which I thought was hopeless this year. If you haven't read ronkseattle's summary of the DailyKos writer's strike so far, please do. William on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… Beata on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… campskunk on What I learned from listening… riverdaughter on What I learned from listening…The Confluence. This story could happen to anyone. Posted on June 2, 2023 by riverdaughter It’s time we talked about the effect that Christian fundamentalism on reality TV has had on American culture in the last two decades. Subscribe to The Confluence in an RSS reader. Server location. The Wordle enthusiasm (I would not deign to call it a craze) is fascinating, as it shines a light on something which understandably does not get much coverage, since it is about the declining vocabularies of Americans. wordpress. Ian Welsh. Tweet. kenoshaMarge, on June 6, 2008 at 10:35 am said:Posts about Lockheed Martin written by riverdaughter. Once upon an October, a girl was minding her own business when her right breast started to thrum. jmac on Don’t waste your breath: riverdaughter on Calm your tits, Donny: riverdaughter on Calm your tits, Donny: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Calm your tits, Donny: Propertius on Calm your tits, Donny: Propertius on Calm your tits, Donny: Beata on Wordle Playing Update: jmac on. It ate one of my slide decks for today. It is generally safe for browsing, so you may click any item to proceed to the site. 1 post published by riverdaughter on December 14, 2021. riverdaughter on How to beat Trump. D-Day was the decisive day of the liberation of Europe. The reason he didn’t get the vaccine? Check it out: Micheal Freedy was not opposed to vaccination, his fiancee said. William on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… Beata on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… campskunk on What I learned from listening… riverdaughter on What I learned from listening…UPDATE:. I’m not just referring to platform instability. The view from my treadmill. Johnson rakes in the millions, and he’s got some reviewers saying that Agatha Christie’s mysteries are not comparable to his. We're examining other options. It’s in the iPhone App Store. Tips gratefully accepted here. Not that I want to make a joke of it. A weblog for Democrats in Exile. I just couldn’t list all of the possibilities here. Take that, you series of unfortunate events. I get to my target heart rate the heart rate drops pretty nicely from there but. ” I will be pampered and courted and made to feel better than all of you losers who comment on this blog. Entries RSS | Comments RSS. Email Subscription. Make yourself at home and join us in solidarity. I…Tips gratefully accepted here. So one tries to keep it…Riverdaughter, I hope you had a good time with your daughter at the WaterPark. COM top-level domain. MsMass on He knew he was a looooose…: riverdaughter on He knew he was a looooose…: jmac on He knew he was a looooose…: Propertius on He knew he was a looooose…: Propertius on He knew he was a looooose…: William on Thanksgiving Week Wordles: William on He knew. Posted on January 23, 2009 by riverdaughter Kirsten Gillibrand is expected to be appointed to fill Hillary Clinton’s seat in an announcement this afternoon by Governor Paterson. The last verification results, performed on (April 17, 2023) riverdaughter. One thing stood out to me during yesterday’s hearing. 08 | June | 2016 | The. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There. com. 19 | July | 2023 | The Confluence. There’s a post at WaPo about moderate Democrats defecting in order to not lose their seats. We’re the last people who would want to download any Trump related app on our phones. No one I know wants to watch Steve Kornacki manically bounce around in front of a map like a kid on 5 boxes of chocolate frosted…Good Morning Conflucians! It's hard to believe, but The Confluence is nearly two years old. Gordon Lightfoot died yesterday at 84. Suburban Guerrilla. 1 post published by riverdaughter on June 5, 2021. No one has really attempted to argue that a United States citizen does not have the right to travel…Posted on June 2, 2008 by riverdaughter Note: This post was written on June 1, 2008 as a response to the Democratic National Committees Rules and Bylaws Committee, which disenfranchised the. Reading Riverdaughter's post about "The Lord of the Rings," and how Tolkien was inspired by Plato's story about the Ring of Gyges in his own tale about Sauron, brought me to a much earlier RD post, from 2012, which also used Gyges as a starting point for her theme. I’d like to think that they have enough empathy to realize that it’s time to stop attacking their opponents and “start attacking the problem. 2. Thanks!: Recent Comments. It is that I become more and more convinced that the Republican arsonist caucus fully intends not to raise the debt ceiling, something that has never. 8 posts published by riverdaughter on January 6, 2021. William on How to beat Trump. BTW rants is in the WORDLE dictionary which I liberated from the code a while back. myiq2xu, on January 18, 2010 at 2:31 pm said:riverdaughter on The Truth is Out There. riverdaughter. Our adrenal glands have been pushed to the limit as a result. The WOT calculates reputation of the riverdaughter. It got so bad in 2008 on this site that consisted mainly of Hillary supporters that we had to throw the words. I also liberated the WORDLE answers for the first 2314 games that the original developer locked in. Well, of course they want that. William on How to beat Trump. Thanks, Riverdaughter. I am a resident of the deepest, darkest jungles of the central New Jersey suburbs working in research. 1 post published by riverdaughter on December 20, 2020. I suspect that a lot of voters in 2016 didn’t take the election. Tips gratefully accepted here. " A group of rich people of various ages have apparently…Did you ever wonder how Herschel Walker got so close to winning a senate seat in Georgia in spite of his massive hypocrisy, lies and traumatic brain injuries? It’s because the Republican voters in. William on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… Beata on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… campskunk on What I learned from listening… riverdaughter on What I learned from listening. Propertius, on February 10, 2022 at 2:53 pm said: I know – I just thought I’d mention it because I think it’s a real possibility in Malone’s case. …: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Shiny Happy People: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Shiny Happy People: riverdaughter on Shiny. 1966 top 100; Hot summer day; Superstar; Fool’s gold; Happy Hour: John Coltrane – My Favourite Things;. There is no sentence in the Constitution which says, "The right to travel freely among the states and territories shall be enjoyed by all citizens. If my German is correct, that title translates to Children, Kitchen, Church. riverdaughter, on September 30, 2022 at 2:51 pm said:. The Confluence. Maybe no one should be in the lab. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There. Tips gratefully accepted here. The topic for today is why should we believe that the FBI planted evidence at Mar-A-Lago? Yesterday, Judge Aileen Cannon once again demonstrated just how unfit she is for the office she holds by putting her thumb on the scales for Trump. Posted on June 2, 2023 by riverdaughter It’s time we talked about the effect that Christian fundamentalism on reality TV has had on American culture in the last two decades. Email Address: Sign me up! Join 1,651 other subscribersWelcome to The Confluence, a luxuriously modern residential high-rise towering 35 dramatic stories above the site where Denver was founded. Update: Annnnd Kevin lost again. Thanks!: Recent Comments. This is a fascinating though upsetting topic. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There. Suburban Guerrilla. The Russian Army is imploding Posted on June 23, 2023 by riverdaughter In case you’ve missed it, Prigozhin, head of the Wagner group, is challenging the regular. Confluence is the content ministry of Confluence Churches. Posted on June 2, 2023 by riverdaughter It’s time we talked about the effect that Christian fundamentalism on reality TV has had on American culture in the last two decades. Posted on July 19, 2023 by riverdaughter That’s one of the statutes that Donald Trump is about to be indicted on for his alleged involvement in the January 6. Entries RSS | Comments RSS. 2 posts published by riverdaughter and wlp22 on April 27, 2021Tips gratefully accepted here. Th…riverdaughter on Trump Pounds the Table. ALL MEDIA INQUIRIES: Please contact me. It is now time to invoke the Rite of Sigin-tarâg. He was part of that great group of players whom the Los Angeles Dodgers drafted in the late ’60’s. beltway in a massive traffic jam. Confluence is a family of churches together on mission. " But many cases have stood for the free right of travel. that Governor Greg Abbott and other members of his party will be ready to talk about gun violence now after the tragedy that just occurred in Uvalde, TX. The United States isn’t going to chuck him in solitary confinement until his trial like they do in Russia. I admit that I was never a big fan of the idea to reduce or eliminate a good deal of the student loan debt. The best way to avoid a wrenching moral decision is to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. iPhone users are coastal elites. 233 likes. The revulsion I feel that the fraud was perpetrated extends to the shills in the Democratic Party. a very long time ago. Propertius on Welcome to America, President… thewizardofroz on Welcome to America, President… riverdaughter on Welcome to. : Propertius on “No Labels” is Ano…: Propertius on “No Labels” is Ano…: riverdaughter on Trump Pounds the Table. (Easy to fix but annoying AF. Full analysis about riverdaughter. A weblog for Democrats in Exile. William, on July 18, 2022 at 11:25 am said: Yes, Republicans find or invent one issue to focus on, and then fill the airwaves with it, the intent is to drown out everything else. William on Jeopardy!: jmac on Jeopardy!: William on Jeopardy!: riverdaughter on Oh yes Republicans would like…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Oh yes Republicans would like…: campskunk on Oh yes Republicans would like…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Memorial Day: eurobrat on. . Suburban Guerrilla. I’m sweaty. Check riverdaughter valuation, traffic estimations and owner info. I also heard similar commentary a few years ago about how wages going up for workers was a bad thing, which just cements my belief that the economy of stock markets and Wall Street has absolutely zip to do with. riverdaughter aka RD: Some of you may know me by my DailyKos username, goldberry. riverdaughter, on January 3, 2022 at 11:26 am said: There is some psyops on Twitter trying to convince people that Conor Lamb is the only viable candidate. William on This is Really Very Simpl…: James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory…: Beata on This is Really Very Simpl…: James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory…: campskunk on What I learned from listening…: riverdaughter on What I learned from listening…:. " Now, I know Honore' for his leadership…riverdaughter, on May 19, 2022 at 2:31 am said: This is a first that I can tell. Tips gratefully accepted here. 0. referring to protests surrounding the “Briggs Initiative? ” From Capitol Briefing:. riverdaughter on The Truth is Out There. riverdaughter, on May 3, 2022 at 12:34 pm said: Good point. The simple history of the pre-Civil War era in the US is that the slave states wanted the non slave states to return escaped slaves to them. Posted on April 15, 2012 by riverdaughter Melissa McKewn at Shakesville wrote a brilliant post four years ago that is even more relevant today. I thought I had finally found a sane, balanced commentator to counter the O’Reillys, Becks, and Dobbs of the media world. Here’s a little refresher on the greatest invasion ever: The parallels to the war in Ukraine are hard to miss. Adjacent to Confluence Park at the convergence of Cherry Creek and the South Platte River, our 287 exceptionally designed one-, two- and three-bedroom, for-lease apartment homes offer breathtaking. riverdaughter, on September 21, 2022 at 8:14 am said:Posted on July 18, 2023 by riverdaughter. riverdaughter on How to beat Trump. Thanks!: Recent Comments. :. Posted on May 24, 2022 by riverdaughter. Now, he’s trying to forum shop a judge in Florida to delay the inevitable and give him his documents back. Kinder Kuche Kirche. Tips gratefully accepted here. Thanks!:The DOJ submitted a 36 page response to Judge Cannon’s request for more information before she decided on whether to appoint a special master to review the materials seized from Mar-a-Lago. Email Subscription. Cope…riverdaughter on Random s{}% campskunk on Random s{}% Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Gordon Lightfoot 1938-2023: William on Gordon Lightfoot 1938-2023: eurobrat on A prayerful reason for Tucker… riverdaughter on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Ga6thDem on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Propertius on A prayerful reason. riverdaughter on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Ga6thDem on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Propertius on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on E. . He was the National League’s Most Valuable Player in 1974. I did yesterday's puzzle. " I don't remember what was in there, and it didn't run very long. " What does that mean to me? I don't follow professional football too closely, not the breathless coverage and hype. So MARCH. riverdaughter on The Truth is Out There. The free states did not want to do that, and it eventually led to war. riverdaughter on How to beat Trump. Jean Carrol Cross. I don’t plan on looking at that one unless I hear about other places where the times may have messed with the answers. eurobrat on One Tiny Mistake…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Evil people want to shove a so…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Evil people want to shove a so…: riverdaughter on Evil people want to shove a so…: campskunk on Evil people want to shove a so…: eurobrat on D E F A U L. Siteadvisor Rating. First, he waited two weeks before legally responding to the search of Mar-a-Lago. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There.